Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids Without Surgery – Avoid These Foods!

Hemorrhoids can be embarrassing, they can be painful, they can rapture, they can bleed and so on and so forth and it may seem like surgery is your only option. 

But before you go under the knife, there are some steps you can take to heal fibroids. One of the steps on how to get rid of hemorrhoids without surgery is to avoid certain foods.

How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids without Surgery

When you experience pain because of hemorrhoids, it is because they press against tender nerves as they swell. Also, eating certain foods can make the pain worse so in order to get rid of hemorrhoids and their symptoms, some of the top foods to avoid include;

1. Spicy foods

This is self-explanatory since the fire contained in spicy foods can travel all the way to your anal area which can make your hemorrhoids hurt even worse.

2. Coffee

Coffee leads to the contraction of the intestines which can impact a hemorrhoid that is already tender by causing irritation.
Another property of coffee which makes it bad for hemorrhoids is that it is a diuretic. This means that it leads to the body losing more water than normal. When you have hemorrhoids, water is very important to keep the digestive process moving along.

3. Alcohol

Just like coffee, alcohol is a diuretic that can cause your body to lose the water that you need. When you have less water than you need with hemorrhoids, it can worsen constipation.
Constipation causes pressure and may cause injury to the veins in the rectum and anal area which can lead to or worsen hemorrhoids.

4. Highly refined foods

Constipation is a big problem were hemorrhoids are concerned as previously discussed and highly refined foods (products made with white flour, high fat foods, sugar, etc) are deficient in fiber which can result in hemorrhoids.
One of the best tips on how to get rid of hemorrhoids without surgery is to eat large quantities of foods that contain fiber. 

It is not normal to strain day after day during bowel movements and will only lead you into trouble. Let your body do its job by providing it with the tools it needs in its process of elimination and one of them is fiber. Eating more fiber will also help you feel full sooner which can also help you meet any weight loss goals that you may have since being overweight is another risk factor for the development of hemorrhoids.
Avoiding certain foods is one of the most important tips on how to get rid of hemorrhoids without surgery.

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