Monday, June 13, 2011

10 Factors Leading To The Development of Hemorrhoids

When attempting to find various treatments for hemorrhoids as well as hemorrhoids home remedies, it is important to understand the various factors that lead to the development of hemorrhoids in order to prevent future development. Dealing with hemorrhoids is torment and if you can prevent having to go through this torment, all the better.

Hemorrhoids are defined as the stretched out and swollen veins lining the anal area that can be excruciatingly painful especially during bowel movements. Between 50% to 75% of all Americans will experience the torment of having hemorrhoids and in addition to finding hemorrhoids home remedies and other treatments and remedies, the first step to treating hemorrhoids is to determine how to prevent this condition. The following which may increase your risk should be considered to determine whether you can avoid them or not.

10 Factors That Contribute To the Development of Hemorrhoids

1. Age

Symptoms of hemorrhoids typically show up until someone is in their thirties and over although hemorrhoids can still develop in someone in their twenties or earlier in a few cases.

2. Constipation

When you deal with frequent constipation which represents having trouble releasing a stool, it can create pressure and injure the veins in the anal area especially if you strain to release the stool that may increase your risk of developing hemorrhoids.

Constipation may be the result of a low fiber diet and the consumption of highly refined foods that includes mainly "white" foods such as white rice, white pasta, white bread, etc, as well as foods that are high in fat, sugars and protein and low in complex carbohydrates that greatly help with the body's process of elimination.

3. Obesity

Being overweight or obese leads to added weight and pressure on the veins increasing the risk of developing this condition. Generally being obese means that you got that way due to a poor diet that includes refined foods that were discussed above which increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

4. Use of Laxatives

When dealing with frequent constipation, a lot of people resort to laxatives in order to obtain relief from constipation. Frequent use of laxative can increase the risk of developing hemorrhoids. Laxatives can not only irritate the anal area but can more seriously lead to the bowels malfunctioning since laxatives are not a normal way for the body to eliminate waste.

5. Gravitational Pull

Gravity leads to a downward pressure on all the veins in the human body including the veins found in the anal area.

6. Family History

When a parent suffers from hemorrhoids frequently, it is likely that the children may also develop hemorrhoids as adults. The development of hemorrhoids is almost a certainty if both parents suffer from hemorrhoids. The prevalence of hemorrhoids in families may also be the result of similar diets and not necessarily hereditary.

7. Pregnancy

A developing fetus usually puts pressure on various organs such as the rectum leading to the risk of developing hemorrhoids. Prolonged pushing and pressure during labor may contribute to the development of hemorrhoids also.

8. Disease

Pressure on the veins may also be the result of certain diseases such as liver and heart disease or due to a tumor.

9. Anal Sexual Intercourse

This can put pressure on the veins in the anal area thus increasing the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

10. Prolonged Sitting or Standing

With a lack of exercise or physical activity, the heart will begin to work slowly in returning blood to the heart from the veins increasing the risk of hemorrhoids. Conversely, if one is on their feet all day, it can lead to the increased gravitational pull and pressure on the veins discussed previously.

The above factors may increase your risk of developing hemorrhoids but the good news is that there are various changes that you can make in your life including the use of various hemorrhoids home remedies to cure and prevent the torment from this condition.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

5 Hemorrhoids Home Remedies To Ease The Pain And Discomfort

There are various hemorrhoids home remedies for this condition which affects up to three fourths of Americans at some point during their life.  Hemorrhoids usually burn, hurt, bleed, itch and otherwise irritate the anal area and calling them the bane of a sufferer's existence is an understatement.

What Are Hemorrhoids?

These represent the swollen and stretched out veins that are located in the anal canal and the lower end of the rectum. Hemorrhoids can either be internal (spread out into the anal canal or protrude from the anus) or external (present under the skin at the opening of the anus). They cause great distress but there are various hemorrhoids home remedies that can provide relief.

5 Hemorrhoids Home Remedies

1. Fiber

Being constipated increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids and a diet high in refined foods will increase constipation. The first of the many hemorrhoids home remedies is to add more fiber or roughage to your diet to aid in the body's natural process of elimination. Fiber makes a stool easier to eliminate than a stool produced from the consumption of processed foods which only leads to straining during a bowel movement due to constipation. This constipation increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids if you strain more often than not in order to eliminate waste from the body.

2.  Hydrate

Another of the hemorrhoids home remedies is the need to remain properly hydrated on a daily basis. Drinking between eight to ten 8 oz glasses of water a day depending on your level of activity will greatly help with the body's process of elimination so drink up! For variety you may consider consuming certain fruits and vegetables such as watermelon which has high water content.

Important Tip: If you suffer from severe constipation, fiber and drinking water may be unable to allow for normal elimination without straining. In such cases, a stool softener may be prescribed by your doctor such as Correctol, however the softening of stools through the use of medication should not become a habit. Follow a stool softening process by implementing a proper diet that contains fiber as fiber is the best way and most natural way to eliminate waste from the body. Prolonged use of laxatives may lead to irreversible damage to the bowel and its normal functioning.

3. Cleanliness is next to godliness

Keep the anal area clean and free from stool residue which can irritate the skin around this area while avoiding aggressively wiping and rubbing the anal area with dry toilet paper. The use of wet wipes is probably the best way to keep clean or rinsing the anal area with water while on the toilet and gently patting dry and dusting with fragrance free and no talc powder.

4. A Sitz Bath

Sitting in approximately six inches of warm water using a donut cushion or a towel turned into the shape of a circle that can support your bottom will help to ease the swelling and inflammation of the veins and will relax muscle spasms and is one of the best hemorrhoids home remedies. Consider a sitz bath three to four times daily for maximum effect. If you can not partake in a sitz bath to ease your distress, consider implementing a wash cloth dipped in some warm water and apply this to the area.

5. Sitting

Another of the hemorrhoids home remedies is to use a donut shaped cushion if your job requires you to sit for long periods of time during the day or night. Or you or your employer can invest in specially designed office desk that are becoming more and more popular as people consider the dangers of prolonged sitting. These modified desks will allow you to stand when working. Sitting for most of the day puts you at risk of developing various health conditions including hemorrhoids.

These are only a few hemorrhoids home remedies that you can implement if you are in search of relief from hemorrhoids.