Monday, September 28, 2015

Does Witch Hazel Work For Hemorrhoids?

The clear, pungent liquid extract that is obtained from this bushy herb is one of the most common home remedies for bruises, cuts, acne and many other skin conditions. Does witch hazel work for hemorrhoids? Absolutely! It is the standard home remedy for hemorrhoids and it is so safe to use that even pregnant women dealing with hemorrhoids can use it at no risk to their unborn child.

Witch hazel (hamamelis virginiana) is also known as snapping hazelnut, winterbloom and hamamelis and it is the bark and leaves that are used to obtain the liquid extract that is used in natural healing.

Herbalist are unanimous in their agreement on the usefulness of this herb as a natural remedy due to its cooling and astringent properties and commonly recommend it for treating burns, cuts, bruises, scalds, inflammation, acne, as a gargle for sore throats and sores in the mouth as well as to take internally for treating diarrhea.

It is one of the natural remedies that is commonly found in most if not all stores on and offline. It is not only cheap but also effective.

Witch Hazel for hemorrhoids treatment

If you are asking yourself, “Can witch hazel be used for hemorrhoids?” the answer is yes and there are various studies that back up the use of this natural remedy for treating this condition.

The astringent action found in witch hazel as well as its antiseptic, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory action make it one of the most recommended home remedies for treating hemorrhoids. It is so widely used for hemorrhoids that various products that are targeted to hemorrhoids sufferers usually contain witch hazel as one of the active ingredients. These products include creams, suppositories, tinctures, pads, etc. These products can be used to treat both internal and external hemorrhoids.

The astringent and anti-inflammatory properties of witch hazel can help to shrink hemorrhoids while also helping to soothe other symptoms such as itching, irritation, etc.

How to apply witch hazel to hemorrhoids

For convenience, you may want to use the commercial witch hazel water which is available in grocery stores, pharmacies, etc, but do try to only get the best quality since some of these may contain other irritating ingredients such as alcohol.

You can also make a decoction using witch hazel powdered twigs or powdered leaves. Add about a teaspoon of the twigs or leaves to a cup of boiling water and allow to steep for about 10 to 15 minutes before straining and allowing to cool.

Whether using commercial preparations or homemade decoctions, simply soak a cotton ball or cloth in the solution and apply to the external hemorrhoids. You can also mix witch hazel in a lotion and apply.

If using witch hazel internally, do make sure that it is under the guidance of a qualified practitioner. If you are pregnant or nursing, only stick to using witch hazel externally. If using witch hazel on children younger than 2, only apply it externally after diluting it.

Side effects of witch hazel

When considering whether to use witch hazel for hemorrhoids, you also need to consider any side effects. Being a natural remedy, it is generally safe and there have been no reports of harm from using this herb externally and while many herbalists do recommend using it internally, most experts advise against ingesting this herb.

Like most if not all remedies, some people may be allergic to witch hazel. If this occurs, stop using it or reduce the dose or dilute the solution.

If symptoms do not go away after 2 for 4 weeks, talk to a healthcare professional.

Does witch hazel work for hemorrhoids? Definitely and if you are looking for a natural remedy, this herb is one of the most effective and it is generally safe.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For Hemorrhoids?

If you suffer from internal hemorrhoids and/or external hemorrhoids and have heard about the many benefits of vinegar, you may be asking yourself, “Is apple cider vinegar good for hemorrhoids?” Well, apple cider vinegar (ACV) is actually one of the best natural remedies for many diseases and conditions some of which are covered below. Frankly, whether or not you are plagued by a health issue or not, you need ACV in your life and here’s why.

Apple cider vinegar uses and benefits

Many people swear by ACV for dealing with various issues. The many apple cider vinegar uses which are touted by many people include but are not limited to;

  • diabetes management,
  • weight loss,
  • heartburn,
  • dry skin,
  • dry scalp,
  • dry hair,
  • deodorant alternative
  • for constipation, (mixed with honey)
  • high cholesterol,
  • nail and ear fungus,
  • arthritis,
  • dandruff,
  • kidney stones
  • warts,
  • jock itch,
  • yeast infection,
  • etc.

ACV is beneficial because it contains various antifungal, astringent and antibacterial properties that result from the acids that it contains such as malic and lactic acids. ACV also contains pectin, various vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, digestive enzymes in addition to having various anti-inflammatory properties.

It is also important to remember than when people think of ACV, they think acid which is partly correct. When applied topically it is the acids that get to work but when consumed internally, ACV has an alkaline effect in the body by helping to raise the pH levels from an acidic one to a more alkaline one which can help the body become healthier.

Do also keep in mind that as is the case with most natural remedies, there is no scientific proof to support all these health claims. But you also need to remember that there are no research studies performed because there is no way to profit from many of these natural remedies because they cannot be patented since anyone can make acv or many other natural remedies because these natural ingredients are readily available so there is no financial incentive to conduct studies on these various natural remedies including acv.

Does apple cider vinegar cure hemorrhoids?

Whether apple cider vinegar is able to cure hemorrhoids remains to be seen although there are certainly people who claim that it was able to shrink their hemorrhoids. Is apple cider vinegar good for hemorrhoids? Most of the support for using AVC is anecdotal and it is important to remember that while there are some people who claimed that it was able to help them, there are others who stated that it was completely useless. This means that you will have to try it for yourself to see whether it is helpful for you.

When ACV works for hemroids, it is believed that it is because of the astringent properties contained in ACV which help to shrink the swollen blood vessels that are associated with this condition in order to relieve the various symptoms of hemorrhoids as well as reduce the swelling, itching and irritation associated with this condition.

How to use apple cider vinegar for hemorrhoids

Apple cider vinegar can be used to deal with both internal and external hemorrhoids and there are many ways in which to use ACV when dealing with piles.

Do remember to only use the best quality ACV meaning that it should be obtained from organic apples and it should state that it is raw, unfiltered and that it is fermented using traditional methods i.e. unpasteurized.

Most of all, it should state that it contains the “mother” which is where most of the healthful properties of acv reside. Use ACV in the following ways.

  1. The first method helps to deal with internal hemorrhoids and is also great for improving your overall health and well-being. It involves diluting one tablespoon of AVC in an 8 to 12 ounce glass of filtered water, milk, etc, and drinking this twice a day day. Do not drink ACV undiluted because it will wear down tooth enamel unless you wear dentures. Undiluted acv can also cause burns to the sensitive areas of the throat and mouth, therefore you must mix it with a liquid before drinking it. This method also helps to prevent the development of hemorrhoids.
  2. The second method is to apply it directly to external hemorrhoids by soaking a cotton ball or soft tissue in ACV (diluted or not) and applying this on the hemorrhoid(s). This will sting but this should go away after some seconds and then you may start to experience some relief from the itching and other irritation. Repeat this as often as you need until the swelling decreases and even goes away. Do remember that it will sting so don’t apply it to open lesions.
  3. The 3rd method on how to use apple cider vinegar for hemorrhoids is also for external hemorrhoids and involves adding half a cup of ACV to a sitz bath which is another natural remedy for hemorrhoids. You can also take an apple cider bath for hemorrhoids by adding a cup or so of ACV to normal bath water.

So is apple cider vinegar good for hemorrhoids? It may be able to give you the relief you desire but most of the support for using ACV is anecdotal and not scientific in nature. If you do decide to use vinegar, apple cider vinegar is the best based on the reasons stated above but if you have trouble getting your hands on ACV, you can use white vinegar.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Is Vicks Vaporub Good For Hemorrhoids?

Are you one of the brave souls considering using Vicks on hemorrhoids? Well you are in good company since there are many people dealing with external hemorrhoids that swear by Vicks Vaporub. Is Vicks Vaporub good for hemorrhoids? Your physician will probably advise you against it but many people do use it and claim that it helped.

Vicks Vaporub the cure-all?

Many people swear by using Vicks for all sorts of health issues besides what it is intended for which is cough suppression. Many of these issues include but are not limited to;

  • Leg cramps
  • Dandruff
  • Headaches
  • Nail and skin fungus
  • Chest congestion
  • Ant repellant
  • Chigger bites
  • Poison ivy
  • Sore heels
  • Tennis elbow
  • Squirrel repellant
  • Paper cuts
  • Scaly skin
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • “Poor man’sViagra”
  • etc

For pretty much everything under the sun, there is probably someone that has used Vicks Vaporub for it. But just because some people laud the benefits of using Vicks for these and many other issues, there are equally as many people who say that it doesn’t work. It is almost impossible to determine why one “remedy” works for one person but not another.

Can Vicks heal hemorrhoids?

Healing hemorrhoids is probably a stretch when considering using Vicks on hemorrhoids. The reason that many swear by Vicks for hemorrhoids is because of the active ingredients which are menthol, camphor and napalm which impart a cooling sensation to painful and itching hemorrhoids but these active ingredients can also be too much of a sting for other people so use with care if you do decide to go ahead with this “home remedy”.

Vicks is also used to temporarily relieve the swelling that arises from hemorrhoids. For temporary relief from hemorrhoids symptoms such as pain, swelling, itchiness, etc, using Vicks VapoRub, do make sure that you only use it on external hemorrhoids. Vicks is only for external use.

People who use Vicks usually apply a generous amount of Vicks directly to the problem area (s). There is an initial sting followed by some cooling which can last for several hours.

Is Vicks VapoRub good for hemorrhoids? This is definitely one of those “home remedies” that you try at your own risk because there is no research to back up its use for anything besides its use as a cough suppressant. Its use for hemorrhoids is merely anecdotal.

It may temporarily relieve the pain and itching or it may cause a burning sensation in this delicate area that you may not be prepared for. While you may want to try it, there are many other home remedies many of which are discussed on this site which may work better for you and some which may bring about permanent and not simply temporary relief so try those first.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Top 10 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy That Work!

Dealing with hemorrhoids during pregnancy can mar what can be an amazing time for most women. If you are dealing with this right now, there are some amazing tips on how to get rid of hemorrhoids during pregnancy that may work for you during this time that you should definitely use without them affecting the health and safety of your baby.

Why hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

While pregnancy can be an amazing experience, it can give rise to various issues one of them being hemorrhoids which is a common issue during this time (more than half of pregnant women deal with this).

These develop as the fetus grows which places additional pressure on your rectal region as well as increased blood flow to the pelvic region during this time. This pressure and additional blood blow leads to swollen veins which signify hemorrhoids and look like a pile of marbles or grapes which is why hemorrhoids are also known as piles. They may also itch or bleed during bowel movements especially if you strain. They are also usually common during the second to third trimesters.

Once you give birth, these hemorrhoids will usually retract unless you had hemorrhoids before the pregnancy. In rare cases will hemorrhoids worsen due to the pushing action during the delivery.

How to get rid of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

It can be downright painful and uncomfortable to deal with hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Not to mention the annoying itching that can occur. Instead of waiting until after delivery to see whether they go away, there are many tips on how to get rid of hemorrhoids during pregnancy that you can implement which may give you some relief such as;

  1. Roughing up your diet by adding more fiber will help with constipation. Constipation creates pressure as you strain during bowel movement and possible injury to the veins in the anal area which increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids. A low fiber diet made up of processed foods results in constipation and hemorrhoids.
  2. Drink plenty of water especially if you increase your fiber intake as this will help to move things along in the digestive tract including fiber. Try to drink 8 to 10 eight ounce glasses of water every day to keep you well hydrated and to help with elimination.
  3. When you have to go, go. Do not postpone heeding the call of nature because the longer you wait which keeps the stool in the lower part of the digestive tract for longer than is necessary, it will cause the loss of moisture which can turn the stool dry and hard.
  4. Keep your rectal area clean as a whistle because any residual rectal matter can irritate the skin. You may want to also use pre-moistened wipes and not rough tissue paper in order to not only properly cleanse this area but to avoid the irritation that comes from using rough toilet paper. But be careful with the type of wipes you use because some can contain irritating ingredients.
  5. Watch your weight. While many women use pregnancy to eat any and everything, if your weigh balloons during pregnancy, it only increases your risk of developing hemorrhoids and keeping your weight down within reason will be good for you and your baby.
  6. Keeping active by simply taking a walk can help with hemorrhoids as it can help improve circulation all over the body including the anal area. Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time. Take a short walk every hour during the day for about five minutes or so. Nothing too strenuous.
  7. A warm sitz bath is another of the best methods on how to get rid of hemorrhoids during pregnancy as it can help to soothe the inflamed anal tissues and help relax the muscle spasms that can occur with hemorrhoids. Simply sit in six inches of water with a donut cushion so that you are not resting on your butt which may be painful when you have fibroids or simply twist a towel into a circle that is large enough to support your bottom and let the heat do its work to relax and soothe.
  8. Another of the best hemorrhoids during pregnancy methods is to use safe herbal remedies such as witch hazel to soothe and treat the hemorrhoids. Apply witch hazel externally to the area or you can also use an ice pack.
  9. Avoid sleeping on your back as this can place pressure on the back and pelvic region. Sleep on your side to relieve this pressure and also try to lie on your left side a few times during the day in order to help relieve any pressure on your rectal muscles.
  10. Keep up with your kegel exercises which not only strengthen the vagina muscles but also the rectal muscle in order to keep the muscles in this area nice and taut as well as improve circulation to this area which helps to prevent the development of hemorrhoids.

These are just a few effective tips on how to get rid of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The good thing with hemorrhoids that develop during pregnancy is that they go away after pregnancy but these tips should help to prevent them from developing in the first place or to get rid of them or to make them less of a factor during the pregnancy.

Do You Need Surgery For Hemorrhoids?

Americans spend in excess of $150 million each year on various treatments and remedies for hemorrhoids which are also known as piles for a condition that affects close to 2/3 of the general population. One of the treatments is of course surgery. Do you need surgery for hemorrhoids?

While this condition can be embarrassing to talk about, you don’t need to suffer in silence. While you should try various treatment methods for hemorrhoids first because there are many effective treatments including various natural remedies for hemorrhoids, surgery is also an option although it should preferably be a last resort after you have tried everything else.

Do you need surgery for hemorrhoids?

It is usually advisable to seek medical assistance with hemorrhoids;

  • If you are unable to have a bowel movement
  • If you are unable to empty your bladder
  • Considerable bleeding
  • Fever
  • Etc

Surgery for hemorrhoids will be recommended when;

  • You are dealing with very large hemorrhoids
  • You are dealing with painful hemorrhoids
  • You are dealing with constant bleeding from hemorrhoids

Types of surgery for hemorrhoids

1. Hemorrhoidectomy which involves the removal of the hemorrhoids and the surrounding blood vessels. You may be placed under local or general anesthesia and then an incision will be made around the anus to allow the hemorrhoids to be cut away.

After spending an hour or so in the recovery room, you will be sent home usually on the same day. This is usually a same day procedure. You will be able to resume your normal activities in a matter of days.

2. To deal with prolapse when the hemorrhoids or other anal tissue slip out of the anal canal, you doctor may recommend the PPH (procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids) which involves stapling the hemorrhoids or anal tissue back in the anal canal while cutting off the blood supply to the hemorrhoids or anal tissue.

Without a robust blood supply, these swollen veins or tissue will shrivel up and die. This is less invasive than the hemorrhoidectomy and requires less recovery time and comes with fewer complications.

3. Sclerotherapy is another less invasive method to get rid of hemorrhoids and involves injecting a chemical solution into the blood vessel which is connected to the hemorrhoid (s) in order to shrink and destroy the hemorrhoids in time.

4. The use of a special, laser beam can burn away hemorrhoidal tissue and this is another less invasive method.

5. A rubber band (rubber band ligation) may be wrapped around the base of the hemorrhoid in order to cut off its blood supply which causes the hemorrhoid to die as time goes and this procedure is another less invasive method to treat a hemorrhoid.

Risks and complications of surgery

As with all surgical procedures and not just a hemorrhoidectomy, there is always a risk of an adverse reaction to anesthesia, heavy bleeding, severe swelling, risk of infection, etc. The incision made around the anal area might require stitches which will cause the area to become painful and tender and make it a challenge when you have bowel movements which you cannot suspend until you heal. You may take stool softeners to make bowel movements less painful during the recovery.

Because of this issue, many turn to the many less invasive procedures for treating hemorrhoids some of which were discussed previously because they involve less pain, less recovery time, less bleeding, reduced risk of complications, etc.

But the only drawback with less invasive procedures compared to surgery is that a hemorrhoidectomy will usually produce more long term results when compared to less invasive procedures.

While surgery and other less invasive procedures may be effective for treating hemorrhoids, it is still important to make important life style changes such as changing your diet otherwise hemorrhoids will return because these procedures do not prevent the development of new hemorrhoids. Only what you do can prevent future hemorrhoids.

Do you need surgery for hemorrhoids? It all depends on your symptoms as well as whether you need invasive or less invasive treatment. Talk to your doctor for your best treatment approach. Do make sure that surgery for hemorrhoids is your last resort after other methods have failed to work for you.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

How To Stop Bleeding Hemorrhoids Using Shepherd’s Purse

While having a bleeding hemorrhoid should be a reason to make an appointment with your doctor immediately especially if it is followed by faintness or dizziness, there are some natural remedies for bleeding hemorrhoids that may work for you. Painless bleeding during bowel movements (small amounts of bright red blood in the toilet bowl or on toilet tissue used) is one of the symptoms of hemorrhoids. The herb shepherd’s purse is one of the best methods on how to stop bleeding hemorrhoids naturally.

Shepherd’s purse (capsella bursa-pastoris)

Although not a substitute for medical care, shepherd’s purse is a common home remedy on how to stop bleeding hemorrhoids naturally. It is from the cruciferae family which also includes cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. It is also known as rattle weed, lady’s purse and rattle pouches. It is the leaves and flowers that are commonly used in natural healing.

Conditions that can be treated naturally with shepherd’s purse include but are not limited to;

  • Wounds can be treated with this herb because of the mild anti-inflammatory astringent action that has been found in this herb.
  • Labor can be induced with the help of this herb because it is able to stimulate uterine contractions as effectively as a common labor inducing pharmaceutical.
  • People with ulcers, Crohn’s disease, colitis, nosebleeds, women suffering from heavy menstrual flow and other bleeding disorders may be helped by this herb.
  • Etc.

How to stop bleeding hemorrhoids home remedy

As mentioned previously, medical treatment is always advisable to deal with any bleeding and shepherd’s purse can complement any treatment for bleeding hemorrhoids because it is able to speed up the coagulation (clotting) of blood which is why is one of the top methods to deal with bleeding of any kind.

Besides being used as a bleeding hemorrhoids treatment method, this herb can also help treat all kinds of hemorrhoids because of the mild anti-inflammatory astringent action which work on inflamed tissues such as those associated with hemorrhoids.

Using shepherd’s purse for hemorrhoids

This herb has an unpleasant taste but you can add lemon, honey, sugar, etc, to try to improve the taste. In order to stop bleeding and treat the inflamed veins, add one teaspoon of the dried herb to a cup of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink up to 2 cups a day.

This is the first method. A second method is to soak a clean cloth in a shepherd’s purse infusion (tea) or tincture (alcohol extract) and apply to the hemorrhoids.

Safety concerns

Although this herb is one of the best natural remedies for bleeding hemorrhoids and other types of hemorrhoids, some things to be aware of include;

  • Not using this herb if there is a history of stroke or mini strokes because it can cause internal blood clots that can increase the risk of developing strokes or heart attacks because of its pro-clotting action.
  • Avoid if pregnant or nursing.
  • Not to be given to children under two and those over 65 should start with a small dose and build up if necessary.
  • If taking an anti-coagulant medication (blood thinner) including aspirin, don’t use this herb.
  • Some people may be allergic to shepherd’s purse and if this occurs reduce dose or stop using this herb.
  • Talk to your doctor if you are on other medications because of possible drug/herb interactions.

If looking for an effective home remedy on how to stop bleeding hemorrhoids, using shepherd’s purse is one of the best ways to get this done. It can also help with other types of hemorrhoids too.

Amazing Herbal Remedies For Hemorrhoids Include Slippery Elm!

There are so many ways to alleviate the suffering brought on by hemorrhoids and using herbal remedies for hemorrhoids is one of the most popular methods to do so. Of the number of herbs that can be used, slippery elm is right up there with some of the best so if you are struggling with this condition, you may want to consider using slippery elm for hemorrhoids and even the FDA which is critical of herbal medicine calls this an excellent soothing agent.

Slippery elm (ulmus rubra and u. fulva)

This herb is also known as Indian elm and red elm and it is the inner bark that is commonly used for natural healing. This was a highly popular herb in America during the 18th and 19th century and was used for various purposes besides healing such as helping to prevent meat from spoiling before the advent of refrigerators.

This herb is not as widely used as it once was but it is still a commonly recommended herbal remedy for various diseases and conditions including but not limited to;

  • Wounds could be treated with this herb by applying a poultice to freshly washed wounds. The soluble fiber (mucilage which is the “slippery” part of slippery elm when water is added) in slippery elm helped to form an herbal bandage for the wounds after it dried.
  • The mucilage is an excellent way to overcome constipation naturally which is why it has a long history for safe use by pregnant women as a laxative.
  • This mucilage as well as slippery elm’s ability to stimulate the production of digestive tract mucus makes it extremely soothing for sore throats, coughs as well as various digestive problems.
  • Etc. 

Slippery elm for hemorrhoids

The use of slippery elm for hemorrhoids natural treatment goes back thousands of years. The reason that this is one of the best herbal remedies for hemorrhoids goes back to its characteristic as a soothing herb.

Hemorrhoids represent inflamed veins and using slipper elm for hemorrhoids helps to not only soothe but also soften these internal and external inflamed veins and tissues. 

In addition, since all the straining when you have a bowel movement can increase the risk of developing hemorrhoids and the worsening of their symptoms, the mucilage in slippery elm will help with constipation while helping with digestion and colon cleansing.

Using slippery elm for hemorrhoids

Drink up to 3 cups of a soothing decoction (tea made from root or bark). This herb has a slight taste as well as a mild aroma which can remind one of maple. 

To make this soothing decoction, add one to three teaspoons of the powdered herb to a cup of water. But try to blend a little bit of the cold water with the powder first so as to avoid a lumpy decoction.
Bring this to a boil, reduce it and allow this to simmer for about 15 minutes and then drink this. You may strain this but it would be better not to because the mucilage is what you need.

 If you use commercial preparations, simply follow the guidelines on the packaging on usage.

Safety concerns

In very rare cases will slippery elm cause an allergic reaction in some people but otherwise this is a very safe herb which is why many pregnant women are able to use it and it can be given in small amounts to children under two.

These are just a few tips on using slippery elm for hemorrhoids. It is one of the safest herbs for use so you should definitely consider it if you want to be rid of hemorrhoids using natural methods including using herbal remedies for hemorrhoids. But it probably would work best as part of a hemorrhoids treatment regimen and not simply used alone.